Tuesday, September 15, 2009

9/15/09 Early Morning Discovery Hike 'Report'

Good morning!

September 15th's Early Morning Discovery Hike was a wonderful morning for a hike! The weather was nice and cool, the sun was shining, fall colors were abundant and the birds were singing. Ah, what a day for a hike!

As usual, we started off the hike with binoculars turned to the sky in search of feathered-friends. Without trying too hard, we had several species on our list even before we left the parking lot! The Red-tailed Hawk was perched in the dead branches of the maple at the top of the hill. This perch has apparently become a favorite, as he has been seen here 3 of the past 4 hikes, much to the smaller bird population's dis-pleasure! We also spotted lots of movement in the cedar trees and discovered a large flock of Cedar Waxwings! This flock was around 35 individuals and provided many good looks prior to their departure. Mixed in with the waxwings, we also spotted several House Finches and a lone female Rose-breasted Grosbeak (female picture). This grosbeak provided several glimpses of the yellowish underwings as she flitted from branch to branch and finally as she departed overhead.

As we made our way up the hill, our attention turned from the pair of Eastern Bluebirds to the autumn colors that are creeping into the landscape. A few of the "early changer" trees are beginning to show their fall colors with splashes of yellows and golds. Several species of Asters are blooming throughout the landscape. The Ohio Buckeye has dropped nearly all of it's leaves, and the rest are mostly brown. All around us nature is progressing towards the upcoming season! Check out some fall pictures from Shawnee Prairie Preserve HERE.

Don't be fooled by the chilly mornings... there are still plenty of opportunities for wonderful hikes providing plenty of autumn colors and sounds. We hope to see you at the next Early Morning Discovery Hike, Tuesdays at 8am at Shawnee Prairie Nature Center!

Also, don't forget...


September 26: 10a-4p
September 27: 12p-4p

The biggest event of Darke County Parks' year is right around the corner! If you've never been before, you've been missing out and if you have, come on back! We have been growing this event each year and once again we hope to grow with new games for the children, new crafts, new vendors and plenty of apple butter, Farmer Brown's and Downing Fruit Farm! For an idea at what else goes on and to get a brief "feel" for this wonderful weekend on the Prairie, check out our pics from last year's Prairie Days on Flickr HERE. We hope to see you there and remember...

Parking and Admission are FREE!

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