Friday, June 4, 2010


Darke County Parks' Annual
Native Plant Sale
SATURDAY, June 5th: 10am-4pm

The plants have arrived at Shawnee Prairie and are ready for their new homes... in your gardens! Native plants provide a nearly maintenance-free landscaping option that is full of color and offers crucial habitat for native wildlife. These plants (once established) are also pest and draught resistant... naturally! Increase the birds, butterflies, bees and many other fascinating creatures found in your yard by planting these native plants and grasses. Call the Nature Center at 937.548.0165 for more info.

This year's species list includes:
Butterfly weed
Sullivant milkweed
Foxglove beardtongue
Queen of the prairie
Sweet Joe pye weed
Yellow coneflower
Riddell's goldenrod
Prairie dock
Compass plant
Little bluestem
Big bluestem
Prairie blazing star
Cardinal flower
Blue false indigo
Purple prairie clover